Welcome to Enlightened Christian Gathering | Tel: +265-8885-6588



Welcome to ECG Ministries

We are a Community that firmly believes in Gods word. Come journey with us.

We welcome you to the ECG Ministries, The Jesus Nation Church. Founded solidly on the gospel of Jesus Christ, the ECG is a global entity setting the pace in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. As a church without borders, ECG exists in more than 70 countries with branches, clusters and home-cells as well as online congregations that span millions bringing the message of salvation through the prophetic voice as the world prepares for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

ECG Ministries is a modern congregation of Christ – centered believers celebrating God through the Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance Ministries. It is a home to millions across the globe who seek to hear God speaking today. ECG is led by founder and General Overseer Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (Major One).

Through Deliverance, Healing, Miracles, Wonders and Teaching the deep things of God, the ECG Ministries is definitely responding to the world to set the captives free from the oppression and the bondage of the devil.

ECG Ministries is more than a church, it is a family, where every race and class is accommodated , where the DNA of God declares each of us as citizens of heaven, lives are transformed and miracles and testimonies are the order of the day as demons and challenges are confronted and conquered; in our family we don’t stress!


Church Leaders Meeting

February 18, 2025 7:00 pm

Meeting for the church leaders. This is where we plan the strategy for the church and give feedback on projects

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Our Church Activities

Every year, our congregation participates in the following activities. These are all wonderful ways to connect with each other in play, in good heart, and in celebration! We hope you will participate in all these events with us throughout the year. The best way to be informed about these event is to be on our Newsletter and E-news mailing list. Email: ecgministry.org to request to be put on the mailing lists..

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