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Prophet Bushiri makes $40,000 worth donations on Mandela day

Shepherd Bushiri is a renowned preacher, philanthropist and entrepreneur celebrated Mandela day by starting a school adoption program with an estimated $40,000 worth donations to a local primary school in Rustenburg, North West province, South Africa.

Prophet Bushiri is a Malawian born but South Africa based Bushiri though to honor Nelson Mandela on Mandela day celebrated on 18th July of every year. This day was declared by the UN in 2009 in honor of nelson Mandela and on this day the global community is encouraged to spend 67 minutes doing something good for society in honor of 67 years that Mandela spent fighting for social justice.

The adoption launch was held at kloofWaters primary school which was graced by senior government officials from the education department, community leaders and the public.

In his speech, Bushiri, quoting madiba, said ‘education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the society’ and there is no better way one can honor madiba than by supporting the education of ‘our children’.

Prophet Bushiri just not only adopted the school but Bushiri made instant humanitarian moves to school estimated at about $40,000. Among other humanitarian moves include: donation of uniform packs [a jersey, long grey pants, long sleeves shirt, gray socks and a pair of black school shoes] for the 173 learners at the school; renovation and painting all the structures at the school; various chemical and cleaning machines for the toilets; grocery pack for 173 students; instant nutrition breakfast supply for three months; various food rations and, also, provided professional support to the vegetable garden which meets dietary needs of the learners.

Bushiri further said that throughout the Africa wide school adoption program, ‘selected struggling schools will be adopted and have their every emerging need met’. ‘The program is part of our effort to help our governments meet goal 4 of the 17 sustainable development goals adopted by the united nations in 2016. The goal seeks to ensure that, by 2030, all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes,’ He said.

She also said, her program will go a long way in supporting South Africa’s government goals of education for all and also the global efforts to fulfill goal number 4 of the 17 SDGs.

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