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Men of God should be rich —Prophet Bushiri

Prophet shepherd Bushiri proclaims in an interview, men of god should be rich. A Malawian national married to prophetess Mary, and founder of the enlightened Christian gathering with headquarters in Pretoria, South Africa, speaks on his business, achievements, the growth of his church, including some controversial issues.

Prophet Bushiri said, Journalists often ask me: ‘Why is your ministry growing fast?’ My answer is simple: It is because we do not just preach, in words and deeds, the gospel of the living Jesus Christ. We also teach and empower people on how to face daily economic challenges of their lives through entrepreneurial programmes and skills development. People are able not just to read and hear about the word of God; they also see, live and experience it.

You appear strong in the prophetic ministry, is it a gift from God and how did you develop the gift?

What I possess is a gift from the Lord God Almighty. I received this gift at a tender age of nine when the Lord God called me. Since then, I have lived a prayerful life, always fasting, studying the Bible, meditating, interceding, preaching and seeking the hand of the Lord on every decision I take.

What is the meaning of Major 1 and does the criticism that attends this title bother you?

Major is a military term. I consider myself a soldier for Jesus Christ and for the Lord God. Criticism is a part of life. I don’t let it affect me as I know who I am and what I am. I belong to God. My calling was to serve the Lord by spreading His word and this is what I do.

What’s your relationship with the powers-that-be in Malawi?

I enjoy a cordial relationship. I am a patriotic Malawian who is proud of our land and its people. I am free to travel, move around and transact business. I travel to Malawi often on business, vacation and philanthropic endeavors. On philanthropy, I believe it to be of paramount importance to assist others facing hardships.

What is your greatest passion – soul’s saving or money making?

I am and I will always be a man of God with the aim of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s my life, my calling and everything of me. However, I need to emphasis here that there is a tradition of vilifying men of God who have been blessed with a fortune. There is this perception that men of God are not supposed to be rich. I don’t know where this perception comes from, but, if you read the Bible, you will note that men of God were rich, including Abraham.
